Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010

Der Thoraschrein in BELZ



It's not in the Guinness Book of Records, but it should be: the largest ark on earth. Not Noah's ark in the Bible - the ark where Torah scrolls are housed in the synagogue.
This ark is in the Belz Hassidic dynasty's 5,000-seat Jerusalem synagogue. According to master carpenter Abraham Fried from Kiryat Gat, it's the largest commission he has ever received as an artisan of synagogue furnishings.

Fried considers it "the height of his career" in all respects, and says that putting it together was equal to "constructing the Eiffel Tower." Putting up the mind-boggling monumental 18-metric-ton structure that can hold 60 Torah scrolls was accompanied by the presence of a Talmudic student in prayer, in the hope that the edifice wouldn't come tumbling down onto his head before it was safely secured in place.
Just how high is high?

The carving-covered Holy Arch is almost Gothic in magnitude... at least by Jewish standards: it stands 12 meters high - equivalent to the height of a four-storey building.

Text von Chelm on the Med

Link erhalten von Religion and State

Der Thoraschrein der chassidischen Gruppe BELZ in Jerusalem

2 Kommentare:

JK hat gesagt…


unglaublich das Gebäude, wunderschön!

Der Unterhalt ist leider sehr teuer.

Ich habe vor 5 Jahren mal dort gedavend. ;)


Miriam Woelke hat gesagt…


Jeder Belzer Chassid spendet pro Jahr eine ihm ueberlassene Summe zum Erhalt der riesigen Synagoge. Weiterhin wird jeder Sitzplatz (5000 insgesamt) auf Lebenszeit verkauft. Fuer 5000 Dollar !
Wer das Geld nicht Bar hat, der kann monatlich abzahlen !